Data summarization
Artists datasets
Artist dataset
87278 data. gives Information about the musician.
1. name: The name of the musician
2. id: The main key of the musician in Spotify
3. followers: The number of people who follower the musician in Spotify
4. popularity: The popularity of the musician in Spotify
5. type: The type of the musician
6. genres: The genres of musicians, which can be multiple
Songs datasets
For songs dataset, it has 21 attributes to describe the information of one song. We would brief some crucial features here. [1]
1. danceability: Danceability describes how suitable a track is for dancing based on a combination of musical elements including tempo, rhythm stability, beat strength, and overall regularity.
2. acousticness: A measure from 0.0 to 1.0 of whether the track is acoustic.
3. energy: Energy is a measure from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity.
4. instrumentalness: Predict whether a track contains no vocals.
5. liveness: Detect the presence of an audience in the recording.
6. loudness: The overall loudness of a track in pattern of dB.
7. speechiness: Speechiness measures the presence of spoken words in a track.
8. Valence: Describe the musical positiveness by the song
Influence datasets
For influence dataset, it has 8 attributes. They are useful to show the influencial flow within musicians.
1. influencer_id: The id of the influencers
2. influencer_name: The name of the influencers
3. influencer_main_genre: The main genre of the influencers. it is the single attribute.
4. influencer_active_start: The start year of the influencers to be active
5. follower_id: The id of the followers
6. follower_name: The name of the followers
7. follower_main_genre: The main genre of the followers. it is the single attribute.
8. follower_active_start: The start year of the followers to be active
Wikipedia datasets
For wikipedia dataset, it has 3 attributes. They are all text and include the biography and influence of the musicians.
1. name: The name of the musician
2. biography: The introduction of the musician in the biography section in Wikipedia
3. influence: The influence text in the influence section in Wikipedia
1. Bo, Plantinga (2018, April 28). What do Spotify’s audio features tell us about this year’s Eurovision Song Contest? [Web log post]. Retrieved from